My thoughts fire out… (no pun intended)… read on

October 23, 2007 at 4:25 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Yo, yo, yo!!! Not the best day in the world for me yesterday. I am sure you have heard of the fires going on all over Southern California. Well, since I live away from home some things don’t quite hit me as hard as they would if I were there. I knew that San Diego had some fires going on but up to yesterday most of the attention seemed to be on Malibu. That put me at ease because I figured that my home town was under control… boy was I wrong. I was tired yesterday, like most Mondays, so I decided to re-fuel myself up by taking a napizzle (that’s a nap in Snoop language). I woke up and realized I had missed 5 calls from and had about 6 text messages. This is weird because I normally receive about… um… zero calls a day. I noticed my mom had called along with some friends from back in high school who I had not talked to in a while.

I then start taking a look at my text messages. My best friend Mike, who is dating his ex-girlfriend who hates me, was the last one to text me and this is what it read, “I wish I could call you but the news has told everyone to stop calling so people with emergencies can get through… its real bad dude.” At this point I had already ran to the internet and read about the 250,000 people who were chased away from their homes by the fire. I texted back and forth with Mike and he let me know they had been told to leave by the police and that his grandfather’s house was most likely gone. I decide to immediately call my mom and check up on them. It took me about 15 minutes to get through on the phone lines. Each time I dialed it would let me know that “all circuits are busy”. It was so frustrating that I felt like throwing my phone at the wall, but that would suck because my arm is so strong that I would put a hole in the wall and have to fix it… jk.

When I finally got a hold of my mom I could tell she was frustrated mostly because my dad can’t get into town to go to work, which means he is not making money. His work was closed anyways so it wouldn’t help much if he got into town. Luckily my parents have not been evacuated yet. Luckily they don’t live in our old neighborhood. My mom said she could see a fire approaching but as of that moment police had not rolled by telling people to leave. Unfortunately for all my friends back home this was not the case. My entire town had been evacuated. My mom told me she called our old neighbor only to have her answer the phone in tears. She told my mom that they had to leave their home and that their home would most likely be gone by Wednesday if the winds keep up. This means my old house is most likely going to go down too. Crazy huh?

I immediately tried to call everyone back and some friends who I knew were in that area and I was not able to get a hold of any of them. That’s how packed the phone lines are. People are living in the stadium parking lot, in hotels, and in hotels. Even my favorite football player had to evacuate his house. I tried to call him to see if he was ok but he told me to stop stalking him… I don’t think calling a pro athlete 32 times a day is excessive, geez.

Sometimes I do have to get a bit serious so I ask everyone to please put a prayer in for my home town and the rest of the people affected by this fire that just wont stop. Firefighters have to spend their time making sure people are evacuating instead of fighting the fire… the winds are so strong that fighting the fire would not do much.





Just a little shot I found from around my old neighborhood on yahoo : (


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  1. JC, I am from south Louisiana, so I am very familiar with catastrophe. I just wanted to tell you I am so sorry about your hometown, your family, friends, and their homes are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck and God bless.

  2. Your family, friends and hometown will be in my prayers. Keep up a good attitude, I am sure that will help them get through this tragedy.

  3. JC I am also from South Louisiana & understand what your going through. Even though the incidents are different it’s still very hard to sit back & watch b/c you can’t do anything about it. I will keep you, your family, and your friends in my prayers. Take Care.

  4. JC,

    I am really sorry to hear about everything that is going on in your hometown. I will be praying that everything turns out ok.

    God bless!

  5. JC I too have family in California and keeping a very close eye on this unfortunate chain of events. My prayers are with you and all the Californians in the wakes of these fires.

  6. JC, I too am thinking about you and your family. San Diego was my first “grown-up” home. I moved there from Maine right after graduating college, almost 15 years ago now, but I still consider it a home. Best wishes to your loved ones.

  7. I am from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and lost my home and the entire area I grew up in Katrina. It was hard, but I promise there is life after. I am very very sorry for your friends and family I will keep you all in my prayers.

  8. Thoughts are with the families of you and Kinsey!!

  9. Hey man. I know how hard it must be for you. I grew up in California, lived through the Cedar fires myself. Moved away two years ago to go to college across the country. It’s kinda crazy not being there now knowing what could happen to so many people you care about. I hope your doing ok man, and if need anyone to talk to about this, just hit me up man.


  10. J.C., lookin at CNN ALL day yesterday, I saw things that made me remember what went on here, (Mississippi Gulf Coast), 2 years ago. Just know that your friends and family are in my prayers, hope they’re all safe. ALWAYS remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, although it may not be clear why at any given time, just know that you will get thru it!…God Bless you all!

  11. Badass when you were rapping along to GCH’s song!

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